Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 1:28 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Crazy times in school
(pictures stolen from Ms. Act Cute...)
act sexy with act cute. she dyed her hair.chio chio.

see how messy. SM drives us crazy..
my all time fave lecturer. Mr. Charles Tee. He is damn charming. i love. ;) he makes me think of Mr. Tan Tsien Wei. haha..
in my past..
WHY WHY WHY?why must we be the ones who always ini...COPYRIGHTS OF LOUIS LAU's STUDIO. DO NOT ATTEMPT T...
Just changed my blog song and blog heading. my all...
Stolen pictures!! baby celeste. abt 2 weeks old th...
guess what? my digi cam finally died on me after 5...
Another 1500 more words to go! About 5-6 more page...
Jasmine in a TUBE dress.... ...
Look who is here on a Rainy Sunday? xaria baby! s...
National Day Breakfast! a bratwurst, back bacon, s...
today's date is 08/08/08.tonight's toto draw is $8...