at about 630am today, i was woken up by the smell of yummy congee (salmon and chicken) cooked by my dad. apparently, he woke up at 530am to cook for us. breakfast time!!
gosh. i was super sleepy, but my stomach started to growl.
i used my 1 pillow to cover my nose and hugged another tightly to my stomach.
closed my eyes tightly and tried to drift to lala-land again, but failed.
my dad can cook cantonese food super well.
he's well-known in the family for cooking delicious and smooth congee (porridge is grain-based), like those you have at cantonese restaurants.
when his mother was still around during his younger days, he would always tag along behind her, to help and also learn how to cook. he had a close relationship with her. unfortunately, she passed away shortly after my parents got engaged (she was quite young). i never had the chance to meet her. i heard from my mum that she was a very kind lady. she looked really fierce, but she was gentle. often, she would sit by the stairs in their house and smoked. she would hold a fan in one hand while she took long drags off her cigarette in the dark. whenever my mum or ah ma (maternal grandma) tells me stories about my mama (paternal grandma), i will always imagine how she looked like. There's only 1 picture that we have of her, taken with my ah ye. If i'm not wrong, they cropped the same picture and had it pasted on her urn. I wonder where are all the rest of her pictures?
on a lighter note, Cepage HK has been awarded 1 Michelin Star in the Michelin Guide for HK-MACAU. congrats Chef Thomas! =)

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