Random Pictures from Coryfish's camera.



at Joel & Winnie's ROM.


love the balloons!




tvb actor.


was looking through the pictures. then i questioned why did he take sucha random pic? he said he was trying to capture the lady in the middle. i asked him if she's pretty? he said yes. only when he sent me the pictures that i realised, this lady was me. (i couldnt recognise myself from this black and white pic!)

we took very few pictures together while in hk. one of the many beautiful ones.


candid pic. he called out to me when i was munching furiously on the spicy cuttlefish.


bought unchilled mineral water that's left on the tables outside the shop and not those in the refrigerator. weather was so cold, so din want to drink anything chilled. unfortunately, the unchilled mineral water was extremely cold. ahaha..

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