2 years ago, i made my first attempt on baking cupcakes!
this year, i made my first attempt on baking cashew nut cookies for CNY!
does this resemble our cute little mickey mouse? haha. more like CHAO TAR mouse.

the traditional cashew nut cookie. i din brush the egg glaze nicely. looked so pale. and i din cut the dough properly. oh well. better result next time! had fun being a factory girl today. we produced almost 10 bottles!!! i am so afraid some of the nut will fall off cuz i din press it too hard into the dough. damn. i hope the customers wont scold my aunty. haha.
did i mention, there's a turn in events? i will start work officially on 8th Feb Monday. im scaredddd stiff. i will observe what's the dresscode like and gonna spend like crazy on some of my favourite corporate dresses! i just spent a bomb at g2000. boring shit, but the safest of the lot. i grabbed a cute little bow skirt at just S$39. for work. haha. good deal. and i bought myself a SHIRT. i hate to wear SHIRT cuz i look like crap. but no choice. think i must at least own one basic shirt. don't worry. i din get a white one. cuz the cutting at g2000 sucks big time. the white shirt from g2000 will make me look like a waitress or restaurant captain! i would want a raoul white shirt or sth. =)

in my past..

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