i bought something to cheer myself up!



i bought this VERY PRETTY Marc by Marc Jacobs bag!!! the leather is super duper soft. i like. am a happy girl! super chioooooooo.


now..shld i get a BB or iphone? need to decide soon! cuz when i start work, i definitely need to use pushmail service. lalala..both models have its pros and cons. gosh.


went to watch HACHIKO the other day. draggy and quite boring. only the last part i cried like mad. other than that, i think Marley and Me was better, cuz everyone in the theatre cried buckets!


every experience is a life lesson. people always take too long to realise the importance of family, and sometimes, it may even be too late. i am thankful for such loving parents, irritating but caring sister, aunties and uncles who love me very much and grandparents who sees me as the apple of their eyes. friends and lovers can/will change. but a family's bond will never change.


at my lowest, my mum stood by me. i fell really sick yest and she brought me to the clinic immediately. for the whole of this week, she hugs me, comforts me, cries with me and laughs with me. every different emotions that i am going through, she goes through with me. in the past, i often go against her will, to do things that i felt i was old enough to do. i refused to heed her advice. refused to let her interfere MY LIFE. i told her it is MY LIFE and i will take full responsibility MYSELF. but now that i am down, my mum is still the one who will always be there to hold me when i fall. she will never be heartless towards me. she will give up anything and everything for me.


she told me this yesterday, "since young, i pray for you to be a good girl. to pass your exams and get promoted to the next level smoothly. i realised you could study, and decided to give u all my savings for a degree. every year, i pray that u do ok enough to pass. and now that u have graduated, i pray for u to get a good job, and you did. but now, u seem to have lost ur direction in life. please, spare a thought for mummy and daddy. you are a smart girl. we are proud to have a daughter like you. so please, be strong. don't be selfish towards us. at a certain time, we need u to look after us as well. please spare a thought for us too. we don't feel happy seeing you like this. we love you."

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