my mum's birthday gift to me this year: a very pretty dress from FCUK. =)
new arrival! damn chio!!
i shall call it "THE CLOSE DEAL dress". haha.
whenever i wear that dress to meet my clients, i HAVE to close the deal! haha.
cuz the dress is so god-damn pretty!! and i feel super confident wearing it.
it's already like "half the battle won". good good.

so busy and tired these few days.
thank God for my good ettusais skincare regime, my complexion is fresh and clear!
will share with you girls the NEW "Pore Care Wash"!

catch me at the WISMA counter on 20th Feb, this sat, for our Feb's birthday Party!!! see u there!!!

in my past..

happy birthday to me!Gong xi fa cai to me! (Huat a...
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we ended things on good terms.3 weeks apart. and t...
day 2 of work felt like day 365.Feeling damn tired...
first day of work tomorrow.pray that it will be SH...
Use Somebody - Kings of Leon**********************...
And so it is,Just like you said it would be.Life g...
2 years ago, i made my first attempt on baking cup...
my medication is taking effect. am going to sleep ...
People come into your life for a reason, a season ...