
thanks to my tipsy singh, this picture turned out blur. he blamed his BB camera for this. haha.


squiggy (i don't know if i get the spelling right) is so cute. very manja, wants people to stroke and massage him to sleep. damn adorable!! his brother, moti isnt in the picture, but equally cute and manja too. they are super duper tamed. very well-behaved and don't bark at all. initially, i was afraid of them, they licked me and i squirmed. but i realised, i couldnt run away from them! they kept coming to me (maybe cuz they sensed i was scared of them). thankfully, after few glasses of wine, i had the courage to touch and feel them. upper body, ears, neck and stomach, in that sequence.


the whole night, i was head over heels for them. taking turns to sayang squiggy then moti. played with them till they fall asleep. monty was said to be very shy and coward. he doesnt go near strangers and always the first to run away when he hears any sound or senses any movement. but when he saw me, he kept running to me, smelling me, licking me. haha. that fella is super cute la. will take a pic with him the next time i see him. i woke up today, missing them already.


i will be on leave tomorrow! yay!! bringing ah gong out for belated father's day lunch! gonna spend some time with my family. it's been a while.


planning for a 7 days trip to bali. hopefully this will materialise. need to settle my block leave issue on tuesday. i just gobbled one cup noodles. so hungry. been lau-sai-ing like crazy. suspected my office's water dispenser is not clean. urrgh.

in my past..

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12 June first time meeting his family and ...
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