Friday, November 14, 2003 at 10:53 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
lalalala...BORED...shall go read my book's kinda chim..need alot of processing before i can really understand wad the book is talking abt..i may need to read the book twice to further understand it....
anyway, juz finished talking with darling..he's off to club with his frenz..guy's nite-out!! haha...i shall have my girl's nite-out soon..real soon manz!! haha..
went to watch "Hiddentrack"..not nice storyline at aLL!!! waste money again...though i saw jay chou for lk 5 mins..but aiyer...he damn cute loh!!! haha..buay tahan..the sight of him makes me go WEAK!!! hahaha...i was practically squeezing darling's arm and all...haha..oh..den saw joseph @carrefour..haha..nice seeing u! haha...
my cramps is kiLLing me.........................
in my past.. birthday is in 3 month's time!!!!!!!! l...issit that maintaining a relationship is similar t...
oh goOOsh!!!! my Lip is painfuL..numb...
oh weLL! i LooOOve mY neW haiRstyLE!!! haha..not e...
went shopping again yesterdaY! bought a nice bag.....
im juz some giRRL whO is paraNoiD!!! damn...being ...
oh MaN!!! juz hope that BUs stats will be easy tmr...
aiyoOo...i nid to study Bus stats soOOn..and i mea...
my throat is itchy..feel lk skin is ...
weLL weLL sucha piG! took a 2 hrs nap!!!...