dont i look gorgoeus? courtesy of my beloved, sheena. she edited for me. i looked like a sex kitten. haahhaa.

1st anniversary with the baby on saturday was good and "eventful".
-baby bought me 12 stalks of gebera! (kindly do not patronise the florist at Marina Sq)
-he gave me a card. and i BURST into tears while reading it. so touching.
-then wanted to go dinner. baby went for a bath & i burnt my hair! while trying to steal a puff. stupid lighter.
-in e end, i wasnt in the mood, due to the BURNT hair.
-so baby went home with me. =(
-plus, 4D 2nd prize, my dad's carplate. how nice, no one bought.

**5th nov 2006**
-happily went lunching with sheena love.
-ended up at the police station.
-2 hrs later, headed home.
-i still feel bad abt what had happened.
-sorry daddy.
-bastard, u will get ya retribution!!!!!!! im looking forward to reading the papers daily, just so i can read a news about you. bastard. =)

in my past..

COUNT DOWN: 10 more days and baby will leaving for...
feel like shit today. 4th call in the morning. cus...
Life has been good.3 days leave have been approved...
Our Department Chalet: 28/10/2006 (somewhere in Pa...
was at baby's last night.went to work feeling so m...
i did the craziest thing today. went to work. dres...

i did the most RA thing at work today. wait till m...
baby had a talk with his dad last night.uncle stan...