Friday, October 12, 2007 at 9:29 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
What a day.
mirror image? haha. me and my mama dressed in the same style!!! nice colour combi too. dun u think so? hee. love my mama. we din plan leh. we saw each other and laughed after we change to prepare for work.
showing her sexy butt.
ali baba of the day.
haha. like those middle eastern ladies.
yoshinoya for lunch. i was so full after this meal. until dinner, i was still burping.
this pic so blur. thanks to me. haha. cece acting hip hop.
"shit face", cuz we din buy anything. =( no even bubble tea or dohnuts.

i asked nana to take a pic of my "shit face" too. THEN...
these girls in the pic. walked past and said "SLUT. let's not walk near them."i was so angry. i guess they were UNHAPPy that we were so vain, and keep taking pictures. they are disgusting looking and a bunch of idiots. i dun want to make a big fuss. so i kept it to myself until we were reaching the office. and nana F-ed me for not telling her right at that moment. oh well. we shouldnt bother wasting our breath on these pple. we are hot stuffs babe! ;)
iced milk tea from ezan. thanks! =) paiseh that he bought sucha big one each, for me and nana.
thanks to gin. this cure the FUNGUS on my nails!!
xin xin came to visit!!! she bought me yummy yakult! thanks girl.
nana is sick. poor girl.
xin xin and me. i used timer on the cam, that's why the pic turned out abit weird.
us, a nicer one. i looked tired. why?? because of the f-ing non stop call volumes.
xmas present from cheng last yr. =) she is now somewhere in BKK, shopping?
i miss jyo. so took a pic of her. =P
Melvin! our new colleague. (not very new la, cuz i very long nv go work).
carol. the caring lady.
haven taken a pic with yy in a long long time. =) she dressed up and does her own make up now! good job!
the bunny girl! angela cut her hair so short!! but so nice right? i HUM JI, dun dare to cut. but i would love to have short hair now. BOB cut.
=) finally a pic together!
came home, and had dinner with my family at this hokkien restaurant, WEST LAKE, xi hu, at farrer road. not nice anymore. yikes. and im so full now. very sleeepy too.
in my past..
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