Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 1:42 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Crab Party!!! - 12/4/08
me and baby luke! love this pic. thanks to banana who managed to capture this shot!

happy girl with her plates of crabs!!

Haagen Dazs @ Vivo
we were the AH PUIs from ang sua. haha. meowvin ah hia and me.


my sis and i. we were so bored. pictures taking!
in my past..
my mum resigned from her job earlier this mth. and...My Monster sister.. from this... to this siao one....
i am so happy that all of you enjoyd my "old time ...
Old time pictures. who is this handsome young man...
Over-eat! Over-ate! Over-Eaten!!! what a spread!! ...
Images from my LG viewty! "ancient pic" of us. fro...
F-ing bad cramps. i cannot imagine experiencing LA...
What Sarah MeansYou are the total package - suave,...
Love. on fri night, baby secretly did a mango milk...
The week so far.... cooked dinner on wed, after sc...