and on sat morning, he woke me up with breakfast on the table. my fave, omelette. so beautiful.
anyway, i feel sometimes when we are too long in a r/s, we dun have the SPECIAL LOVE feeling anymore. like, certain things, we take it for granted. or somtimes, things just become stagnant. in nov this year, baby and me will be tgt for 3 yrs. yes, we went thru shit tgt. at one period, i cried almost everyday. we quarrelled almost everyday. and yes, he wanted to give us up. but i held on.
and during this weekend, i fell in love with him all over again. yes, the special food, the cooking he's done for me. i appreciate it. really. he always try to make my fave food for me. and also, try to get me to taste some new recipes with him. i am happy he shares these moments with me.
anyhow, we were suppose to head to his uncle's house (mum's side) for his grandma's bday. the weather was damn hot, and i was trying to put my damn make up on, but it kept smudging cuz my face was not dry. i kept perspiring, even with the fan on directly at me!! i was super duper PEK CEK!!! i knew we were running late, and baby was suppose to go over and cook!! if i were him, i would have screamed at him to either hurry up, or forget it. but he came to me, and said, "how's my baby princess doing? take ur time ok." OH MY GOD. at that instance, all my pek cek-ness disappeared, and i began to feel so guilty that we were running late cuz of my stupid MAKE UP! i apologised to him, and told him i'd be done soon. he waited for me patiently. and after everything, he came to me, gave me a hug. looked at my face, and said that my make up looked ok.
all these little things he does, makes me realise the reason why i had fallen in love with him in the first place. he is always so gentle to me. and i am always rough and mean to him. im sorry baby, for being the MEAN GIRL! haha. u know i love u. gigglez. this entry helps to act as a reminder on all the good u have done for me. =)
in my past..
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