Wednesday, March 19, 2008 at 8:03 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
I WANT!!!!

Wednesday in SCHOOoooL
i dunno who is this. so scary. hahaha..
MORE FUNNY SCHOOL pictures will be uploaded soon. must wait for wenqi, to send to me. yay!
in my past..
fucking slept only 3 hrs.i have a pair of fucking ...Blu Jazz on sat night.... franck the bday boy on t...
i've just done my VIRGIN online shopping transacti...
I AM MISSING MY BHD GIRLS! my cindy jie jie. i mi...
my god. it slipped my mind that i turned 22 a mont...
courtesy of Chef. Cory ST Cereal Prawns1. Prawns (...
Oh god...SUPER CHIO!! they are such a nice couple....
MY yummy Dinner on Sunday what ingredients do we h...
MMS & SMS we had a small misunderstanding. and whe...
My roooooom! it's in a mess!! the purpose of this ...