Friday, March 21, 2008 at 3:09 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
As promised....
More pictures from SCHOOOOL!
(pics courtesy of wenqi's cam & steph's blog)
valerie is the MAIN CHARACTER here. look at how tired she is. haha.

shalyn! our only hope who will become ANTM!

BTW, u know why we are taking grp pics in sch? cuz SHERMAN requested for us to put our grp photo in the OT project. so he wants to know which name matches which face. weird and anal. but im starting to like his lectures. guess it's a little too late now. cuz a few more lectures to go, and it's EXAM time! timetable out!!
WIL proj done. LM proj done. 2 more to go. OT and Invetment. jia you!
in my past..
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