Saturday, August 30, 2008 at 1:44 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Happy Happenings!
thanks to mummy and daddy's contributions, i managed to buy a Exilim Z80 at the COMEX show. as compared to my previous canon, not as sharp. pictures quality not as good. functions are ok, just without macro. kinda screwed up purchase? yes i know. it was bought on impulse. i was too desperate for a camera to fit within my tiny budget. but it's really light and slim. yes, u would have guess that i bought the pink one. the HOT PINK! this is one of the happy shit that happened yesterday. i can now PICTURE BLOG!
can u guess where were we? the yummiest calamaris!
yes yes. coffeeclub. my fave! =)
fiery prawn pasta..wing said the veggie damn "KOR"! (bitter in hokkien)
my all-time fave, garlic prawn pasta. but this outlet at clarke quay din manage to cook the food up to the usual standard. yikes. and u will learn more abt their "not up to standard service" below...
here comes birdy! she is BACK! but NOT FOR GOOD! =(
WING's 22nd birthday "SURPRISE" celebration!
Spoiler #1: Wing had already knew that were we sort of planning sth for her. thanks to our janice. who sort of told her abt the celebration on msn...haha.
SPOILER #2: the waiter came to me, RIGHT IN FRONT of wing, and told me softly that their outlet RAN OUT OF CANDLES? im like....HUH? so they brought us this happy birthday tag and put in right in front of wing's eyes. BUT!!! the funny thing was when i arrived before all of them, i have already liased with the MANAGER that we would be ordering a mudpie. so when it arrives, pls come with a candle and bday tag. as a manager, she shld have checked whether they have candles or not, instead of just agreeing and screw up my surprise! pissed.
SPOILER #3: No choice...poor birdy had to run out, and search for ONE CANDLE!! she had to go to a cheesecake store to ask for it, hoping that the fella will SELL it to her. but they were so kind, they GAVE her the candle instead. then, she went 7/11 to buy a lighter to light the candles. EFFORT!!! wing was truly touched. ;) but she had to witness the fact that birdy went to source for candle and lighter.
SPOILER #4: because birdy went to buy the candles, we asked them to refreeze the mudpie for us, cuz it was melting. it came out like that? the candle in front of the bday tag, blocking the words. so dumb!!! WHAT SURPRISE CELEBRATION MAN!!
FINALLY! birthday girl and birthday mudpie.
happy birthday to you...
make a wish...
blow the precious candle..

the forever STUNNED look.
spoiler#5: I WROTE the bday card in front of her. haha. since no surprise already. just DO IT loh. rather than hide in the toilet to write. haha.
spoilter #6: jayne came as a surprise. but she too, wrote the card IN FRONT of bday girl!! haha.
happy us! even with so many spoilers for this celebration. i am glad wing enjoyed herself. we had fun too. whenever we meet, we will laugh so much and inhale huge amount of air!!! we laughed at everything and anything. our friendship is nearing 10yrs! more to come!! love love love.
in my past..
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