7th dec: happy 18th birthday sister. i can bring you go clubbing already! haha.

8th dec till today: been rotting, meeting up with friends, watching never-ending dvds, etc. life has been good. coloured my hair. =) just need to buy some pretty clothes and i'll be ready to start the NEW SEMESTER ahead. it's gonna be a tough one. cuz i will be taking 5 modules. abit worried and scared. but well. i think i can make it.

in my past..

"Yen, my angel, my princess, words cannot express ...
Diamond Ring they have been together for more than...
results out!i screwed this sem.SM - 67 creditHR - ...
1st Dec: Best friend and Me. caught the movie "4 c...
Nov 29: Mom's Birthday Celebration! yummy steambo...
my mother's brother's ex-wife's mother just passed...
29th Nov 2008: Shi Hui & James Wedding shi hui is ...
i feel very sad that the sporean women held hostag...
My sister's dresses. my sis at her prom with her f...
Making babies. this have my droopy eyes. and this ...