Diamond Ring

they have been together for more than 30 years. married for more than 23 years. my dad showed my mum his love for her today by bringing us, the two princesses out to get her belated birthday present cum anniversary present. my dad cleared his AL today. then kept pestering me and my sis to go out. say wanna bring us go eat. then we were like..okay loh. since so long never go out with daddy only, without mummy. so we went to IMM. walked ard. had lunch. then he asked...shall we go jewellery shop? then we guessed he surely gonna get my mum's present. anyway, it was sth like the above. nearing $4k. my dad said this present will last her over 2 years!!! haha. whatever it is. i am touched my parents are still so loving. love em. the ring is very chio btw. =) brillant cut.

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