1st Dec: Best friend and Me.

caught the movie "4 christmases" at bugis. then we saw the xmas decor.

dinner time! at MFO!

this salmon sashimi is so so good. cheap and fat. $7/plate.

my curry rice. the pork cutlet abit too hard.

next stop. PRIVE for drinks.
happy "sisters".

big nostrils. haha.

cheers to sch holidays!!!!

i love this pic the best. sisters forever!

the gentleman. woahahaha...

telling her long naggy stories again...

a mojito drink.

a cosmo.

and the very sweet choco milkshake.

in my past..

Nov 29: Mom's Birthday Celebration! yummy steambo...
my mother's brother's ex-wife's mother just passed...
29th Nov 2008: Shi Hui & James Wedding shi hui is ...
i feel very sad that the sporean women held hostag...
My sister's dresses. my sis at her prom with her f...
Making babies. this have my droopy eyes. and this ...
i realise after so long, i am still very much in l...
so much love. specially bought from isetan superma...
Geok and me. xmas lighting. not nice.Be Warned:The...
My "daughter" - The SQ girl. alll ready to report ...