Nov 29: Mom's Birthday Celebration!

yummy steamboat for dinner!!

from her sisters and brother.

happy couple. haha.

sister #3 stand in to be the maid for the night.

my sis and cousin.

drank the night away.


recalling childhood times. so funny.

with my two precious.

0rdered from EMI Cakes. damn cute right. my sis drew specially for my mum.

dun you think my mum looks like the cake face? haha. so cute. it was written "Happy Birthday Sexy".

my ma and pa so sweeet hor. my dad was washing the pot in the bath room, then my grandma turned on the shower tap instead of the other one. haha. so his sleeve all wet.

Mummy, hope you enjoyed ur birthday. glad you like the card, cake, bag and all the company. love. stay sexy and young always.

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