mini chocolate eclairs and cream puffs from Silverspoon Catering. Yummy. I dun like to eat chocolate, but during this time of the month, i suddenly craved for chocolate. and saw the picture of the chocolate eclair on the official website. *drooools*
i couldnt stop eating. i ate 3 choco eclairs & 2 cream puffs. NICE!

wooo..been craving for this FAMOUS wan ton mee at Lavender for a long long time. Q-ed for about 20mins. yummy!!! i ordered the BIG one!

HS's beef BALLS soup.

opps. i had another craving. mixed beef soup!!!

i realised this afternoon, i ate too much already. dinner i ate abit only.

bad cramps today. forgot to bring PINK panadol to sch. sigh. PAIN PAIN PAIN!!!!

in my past..

What's for lunch today? "xi zup gao hor" - beef ho...
Silverspoon's Dessert Store pictures credit to: ht...
My Mummy & Daddy. i was writing down my mum's pers...
YUMMILICIOUS MEE SUA!! ... credits to: http://www....
dear readers,pls cast ur valuable votes for the hu...
Ettusais's pre makeup base! "Redundant", "No use",...
It's ETTUSAIS time again!!!...This entry is all a...
Brewerkz with my Pretty Gfs. ... the flash so whit...
My dearest Raman, "a-bang". your mobile number is ...
EXCLUSIVELY IMPORTED BAG! this bag will be exclusi...