Just For XinHui.
Braised Yong Tau Foo.
1) add small amount of oil in claypot/stirfry pan.
2) throw in your garlic, 1 tblsp of 'blackbean paste with garlic' sauce & 1 tblsp of 'dried scallop with XO sauce'.
3) stirfry till fragrance.
4) throw in your yong tau foo and stirfry for a while.
5) depending on how much gravy you want. add water accordingly.
6) close the lid and let it simmer for 15mins. medium fire. switch to high fire and simmer for another 10mins.
7) taste the broth. if not tasty enough, add salt and sugar accordingly.
8) if you want the broth to be startchy, add cornflour mix.
9) all done, ready to serve!!!
not very professsional recipe. but hope it helps babe! keep me updated on how it went!

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