Happiest Day in School!
since today is the last day of school, time to take some pictures for keepsake! i will be graduating one sem later than my batch people. boo hoo. i so gonna be a LONER next sem!

stan & me. he's super fit. boobs bigger than mine can! haha..

the strangers. shavonne and stan just spoke to each other in less than 1 min, then i asked them to take a picture! haha.

happy 3 friends!

trying to act like "RUMOURED couple".

shav and me! =) we must go eat mee sua soon ok!

shav and zq.

AND THEN........XH sabo me. =(
ask my eye-candy take picture tgt, and stand next to me..

see!!! so big gap!!! so paiseh!! see my 'buay song' face! haha....
opps. forgot to intro. 'eye candy', Me, Glyn & XH.
because the previous pic, i looked like shit, i decided to 'TAKE AGAIN'.
With the 2 men. one right, one left. but still...no satisfied. cuz still got GAPs!!!

finally. no GAPs. nice pic. but I NOT SMILING properly!! i looked "scared".
why huh? urrgh! 3 times still not nice!! i too paiseh to say 'TAKE AGAIN'. so yeah...

continue taking with zq. we are the official "RUMOURED couple".
got "reporters" said they saw us "holding hands"......
im saying this cuz i need to 'return him his INNOCENCE!'
me and pretty girl, Glyn. MJ Queen hor. haha.
After that, i started to whine...my pictures with 'eye-candy' were UGLY!!! OFF!!
then...zq went to ask him for a picture!
i think they are EG grp mates..
THEN, zq told 'eye-candy' that i wanna take a picture with HIM.
AND....TA-DA!!!! (i purposely edited a chiochio border hor. haha..)
no more GAP leh! and i was blushing. so paiseh. my 'fishball' face kept 'swelling'.
must use hand to cover. keke.
finally. a picture taken! haha...
feel like a young school girl man. but well.
all of us have our own 'eye candies' right?
they help to motivate us to go school! agree? haha...
Thank you for agreeing to take a picture tgt! =)
then XH wants to take a pic with me tgt. but i was still BLUSHING. so bo bian. keep my hands on my face!
Thank you for sa-bo-ing. haha....

MY happiest day in school!!! yay!!!
good luck people for your final semester!!! jiayou!!

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