Inconsiderate Neighbours

they are worst than the criminal offenders. they have no sense of REMORSE! keep on doing the same old shit to irritate you even though they KNOW they are wrong.

now is 12.29am. the fucking neighbours living directly above me is fucking hammering. i dunno what the fuck they need to hammer at this hour. but it has been going on for the past 20mins. this is not the first time! i went up to them just a mth back, at 1am. i told the EDUCATED SON-IN-LAW politely to stop all construction work and to continue the next day. but he simply asked me to give him another half an hour more to complete. i just dun understand why they cannot do those shit in the morning?

if you tell me those old people living there are not rational to think, FINE! i forgive. but their stupid son in law is the one who is doing all the hammering and shit!! he could jolly well advised them that it's late, if they do it now, will disturb the neighbours. so why not do it in the day. BUT NO! he did not say that. he asked me to give him more time to complete his work!!! is not like those are important stuffs. they bought NEW FURNITURES!!! can do it at 10pm. or 9pm. why always must after 1230am!!!!!!!!!!!

they take it for granted that I will not call the police because they are my grandma's long time friends. but HELLO! you dont want to slp, i want to slp ok!


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