yay! just completed one Econs analysis...got many more stuffs to do...but im plain lazy...oh well...i deserve to die

sch was sucky today...din enjoy sch a weee bit...shittified...tmr's going to be a long day becuz i've got peer teaching stuffs coming up for my group...sigh...everyone seems to be so unhappy..i wonder y...some people aint frenly at all...they are just being hypocritical..haven been saying people are HYPOCRITICAL for a long long while...until today...wadeva~

rained heavily again today when i was going home..decided to stop over at bedok and go find mama...waited for her to finish worK...den we left tgt...mrt was so squeezzzy...but luckily, there was a SPARE Seat...so i sat...mama din wan to sit..it's not like i was torturing her...sorta argued with her abit...but not the fierce kind la...aiya...

i can feel loads of stuffs piling up...i noe i complain everyday that things are piling up...and i noe im not taking any MAJOR actions yet...sigh...im sucha pIG!

in my past..

oh well...sch was really irritating today...waste ...
yaWnz...just woke up...sch's at 1245...so irritati...
lalala...went to ikea today to eat meatballs! so y...
yaWNzz...just woke up not long agO...so tired...du...
it's been really long since i've been up at this k...
i'm sorry. for wadeva. i cant seem to control myse...
i did not do my econs tutorial!!! shit...have to g...
having MBS now...boring computer lessoN!!! daMN! j...
oh weLL..had my basic theory test just now...sure ...
my sysOps proposal got B+!!!!!! so shittty...SHOUL...