i couldnt slp the whole night. was thinking about the two proposals. den it struck me that grp proposal is to be handed in on friday, 18th nov. proj meetings will be coming up real soon. i hope everyone is prepared to stay back. it's already our last yr, it would be great if everyone takes initiative and responsibility of the project. there's no nid to depend on one leader. every member is a leader. all the group nid is someone to plan the timeline for the proj and things will progress from there.

when it comes to proj. im ultra stress. urrgh~

in my past..

let me remind myself. i've got tons of proj piling...
okay. i just had a look at ole-bb and i saw some "...
me and sophia (i look gungho here. haha..) 
me and diane =) 
me and wei wei! 
i spent a bomb yesterday. i signed and signed my d...
yesterday was my last day at Ritz. i was suppose t...
finally i have the time to sit in front of my comp...
*sneeze* cold cold. it's raining now. lovely weath...
Artist: Shania TwainAlbum: Come On OverTitle: From...