I need the full-time Romeo. To express his love for me in a romantic way. im born on valentine's day. so pardon me, i need the Romeo badly.

ignore the above. just a random paragraph. anyway, went to my colleague's son 1st yr bday party. so cute! haha. before that, went over to andrea's place. it's so cosy and pretty! i wanna move out too. imagine having a house, decorating the home. how sweet. but the amount she's paying now, i cant afford. =(

sigh. i want to live in my own world.

in my past..

let me remind myself. i've got tons of proj piling...
okay. i just had a look at ole-bb and i saw some "...
me and sophia (i look gungho here. haha..) 
me and diane =) 
me and wei wei! 
i spent a bomb yesterday. i signed and signed my d...
yesterday was my last day at Ritz. i was suppose t...
finally i have the time to sit in front of my comp...
*sneeze* cold cold. it's raining now. lovely weath...
Artist: Shania TwainAlbum: Come On OverTitle: From...