pardon me for all my entries abt my bf.
i have readers complaining to me that...
my blog is all about "Cory Fish!". hahaha.
give me a chance to explain...-cheeky smile-

1) my digi cam is with baby, so i cant take any pictures!
2) i've got no life. not meeting up with pple, cuz i've been OT-ing..
3) im missing the here is a place for me to pen down my thots.

and yeah, that's abt it folks! hahaha.
reasons acceptable?

the baby will be back on monday.
it's like so fast.
but feels so damn long.
get wad i mean?

on leave on monday & tues!
yay! and im so gonna bring my new dress for alteration.
think will be heading to far east.

can i reveal a secret?
i dun rem how my baby looks like.
i dun rem how the way he feels me.
the way he touch me.
the way he hold me.
the way he kiss me.
the way he place his hand on my lap when i drive.
the way he tease my mole.
the way he stroke my hair.
the way he smile at me.
the way he laugh at me.
the way he argue with me.
the way he talks non-stop abt work.

baby, come home soon. and let's do all the above.
plus many more tgt okay?

in my past..

Domestic Home..right. yesterday, after ...
i am doing OT right missing the baby.we din...
back to work today.was fun. the company was good!h...
Mac delivery. 2 big breakfast meals, with orange j...
went to m)phosis during lunch.bought a red top.chi...
din talk to baby at all last night.he worked from ...
met my jasmine dearest today.she bought me Victori...
im so msged me at 6plus last evening....
the baby is already in jakarta.called me when he t...
our girls will be having a Tokoyo Drift session on...