FINALLY got time to cook for my family..On Sat....

spaghetti sauce...

this pic was taken with flash. looks like CURRY!

and yes, i forgot to take a pic of the END product. very busy cooking a portion for everyone...

FINALLY met up with azmi & gf & sam for dinner...

at TCC, for some desserts...this is good.

this is not bad too...

Baby and his best friends. =)

azmi and sam complained that baby was the one who taught them how to smoke. and now, baby quit smoking totally, and left the two of them, with this smoking habit. haha.

FINALLY! my last day...AGAIN!

this cheng jie jie. dunno why take a pic of me like that! eyes semi closed! but style hor? hahaha

yay! happy happy! last day!!! FREEEED! again. haha.

bye girls! will see u all SOON again? haha.

steph jie jie will be FREED on friday! =)

happy us!

and this girl. asked her to hurry up, wanna take picture tgt. she kept ignoring us, and continued to make up.

see! make up until so nice...dunno go where. machiam her last day???!!!!!!

still dun want to stop!!!

and even more happy. put her legs str8 and ignoring our pleas to hurry up...


a pic captured, just the 3 of us. MINUS cindy jiejie. will see u all soon!

in my past..

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