Tuesday, July 01, 2008 at 11:56 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
FINALLY got time to cook for my family..On Sat....
this pic was taken with flash. looks like CURRY!
FINALLY met up with azmi & gf & sam for dinner...
at TCC, for some desserts...this is good.
Baby and his best friends. =)
FINALLY! my last day...AGAIN!
bye girls! will see u all SOON again? haha.
see! make up until so nice...dunno go where. machiam her last day???!!!!!!
a pic captured, just the 3 of us. MINUS cindy jiejie. will see u all soon!
in my past..
Happy 3rd Anniversary! Andy (baby's cousin) & Shi...goodbye aunty mary.u will be missed.we love you. i...
Somewhere Over the Rainbow what a nice rainbow in ...
haven been blogging. been a busy week.and today, m...
8/6/08 - Wonderful Sunday!Wedding Luncheon at Conr...
7/5/08 - Sat - Birdy, Wing & Me met at central...s...
MacDonald's & Their Bad Service. this is my free H...
I've been tagged. BY CELESTE!Alright I'm gonna pla...
today is a FUCK day at work. period.
ALL 'BOUT BANANA a letter from banana to me. =) ni...