Happy Weekend!!! -smiles-

took this pic on friday, to send to my friend's friend for some car show event.

this is the close-up pic. ugly. yucks.

another ugly pic. dun like. haha.

Saturday: 5/7/08

yay! i have pretty sunglasses!!! baby bought it for me! i love. =)

nice! in the cab...going marina square..

he purposely closed him eyes. cuz he said the flash very bright.

finally he opened his eyes and smiled. but my face look bloated here. damn.

and sam was with us! each of us came up with $1.50. took a cab from peninsular to marina sq. haha. lazy la.

wah....HTC diamond..whose phone?!

after that went ikea to get this table for baby's desktop & laptop. we used up the entire sunday to drill the thing, pack the room, iron clothes and babysit! =)

this chio chio bedsheets and quilt from ikea too. their clearance sale damn worth it. the sheets are supposed to be at $49. now $15!!! and the quilt is only $9!!! damn comfy. and baby was so sweet. he allowed me to buy PINK sheets for his room. awww...so happy!!!

TA-DA! the "work space". finally.

very neat work space. haha. let's see how long this will last...gigglez.

wah. chio box.

wah..chio phone. thanks to jillia-lia. baby got $100 voucher to do a recontract. so he paid $348 for this phone. which is very worth it compared to other telco companies. finally he can buy hp. poor boy. he waited for so long.

Sunday 6/7/08: Babysitting Time!!!

look who's here invading baby's room?

xaria sweetie!

i asked her to look at the camera...

and see how she poses? like a real child model! pretty.

i tink the flash is irritating her eyes. haha...

getting abit irritated with my constant flashes!

enough. she decided to look away and play with baby's old phone. see, she ignored baby. haha..

very busy finding NEW THINGS to play..

and she ran to the living room and found MAHJONG!!!! she climbed the chair herself. NO ONE carried her.

and she knows that MJ got bird bird and meow meow.

not even 2 yrs old, and she knows how to "wash tiles". haha. witnessed too many MJ sessions. haha.

ta-da! i changed her!! cuz i helped her wash hands, then washed all over her pants. so she dun like. wants to take out. so i took baby's sec sch PE shirt for her. haha....she looks happy wearing it!

act shy when i took out my camera. dun wanna look at me!

=) nice shot.

had to clip the back of the shirt, if not too long and heavy for her. and i tied her hair up neatly. nice. it's so much fun looking after baby girl. can dress her up and all that. gigglez.

side view also nice. =)

why is she getting all so exciteD?

and she's preparing to run away....

haha. cuz this cutie was kaypo, and followed baby into the kitchen to see what he's doing.

happy now? haha. enjoyed the 2 short hours babysitting her. not always that i get this chance to play with her. i had fun! before she left, she gave me a big bear hug. =) sweet.

Monday: 7/7/08

my irritating sister. supposed to go Klunch today, but i overslept, so went vivo Marche for lunch.

our fave drink. AUssie rootbeer. a MUST-drink at Marche. shiok.

my sis had a good-buy. she bought a very pretty tube dress from pull&bear, $19.90. nice.

and i cant wait for the following weekend to come. i miss my baby already.

in my past..

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