Monday, July 28, 2008 at 5:21 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
Second Set of BKK pics: with courtesy of Partylicious.
checking in....changi airport...
filling up the immigration form....
cam whoring..our flight was delayed due to passengers UNFIT to fly...
first attack upon landing. Plantinum Mall. COSMETICS! look at our faces!
poor daniel and edwin..always waiting for us. haha.@ HOLLYWOOD...Let the HAPPY pictures do the talking...

this guy "Molested" daniel's neh neh. haha. 
in the toilet...
they all said he looked at WU MONG DA! woahaha. LOL! some HK actor..
kit looking hot here! haha.
my turn to wear the hat too! nice hor?
his foundation kinda thick ok. opppps. but he is quite nice la. funny guy. kept saying he is SUPERSTAR!
edwin, 3rd from left, looked abit girlish here leh. why ah????

once we walked out, JOHNUT kena SNATCHED away by many girls. all hugging him, begging to take pictures with him...haha. so funny. like A REAL SUPERSTAR....
the boys took TUTUK back...
6 of us squeezed into one cab! pro!2nd attack: Chatuchak Weekend Market!
must eat first then got energy to shop and bargain later!

the very very yummy wanton mee at pratunam area i guess. see. ALL CLEAN!
another round of changing $$$$!

while they changed $, i cam whore...cuz i din have to change as yet...haha.
at the tailor...daniel needed to tailor some shirts...While we waited...some funny "STUDIO" shoots...
a normal one..
a serious one...look at steph! damn serious! haha. i wonder next time javelle's graduation pic, will she pose like that? i DUN TINK SO man! haha...
a "mag cover" concept...
a BUAY SONG look...
and....AFTER SO LONG! daniel still not ready! haha. but give and take ma...the boys always waited for now, we must wait patiently for them..right girls? haha...NEXT STOP: ERAWAN SHINE....
can u spot me? i prayed the slowest. cuz i repeated the same prayer at every side of the buddha.
bad dinner. great company. period.

bad tom yam. bad shark's fin.
ok-only pineappl right. the backgroud veggie was sucky. but the sauce, very yummy! haha..salty ma.NEXT STOP: SILK BAR!
the chicken wings and basil minced chicken super yummy!!!

nice drink! stole a sip from MJ...and indeed..delicious!
i forgot what game we played. but loser had to eat some disgusting mixture of food. daniel had to eat coconut fruit mixed with basil chicken sauce + beer + sweet chilli sauce....he said tasted like VOMIT! OMG.
more beers...for what? chill out in the room...BUT the chill out session ended up....HAHA. read on..
daniel, me and kit. looking happy and refreshed?
MJ, steph and edwin. looking very happy too...u see later...haha...WE ended up playing 5-10 game. and....
Loser would have to drink up and kena draw face!!!!!
our 5-10 queeen!!!! first one to kena...
MOLEY MOLEY MOLE! hairy one somemore. haha. sperm or mole? u decide.

see steph's eyebrow. kena draw till so thick! haha.....
that's me. looking like a cute hush puppy. haha..

resembles fann wong in AH LONG PTE LTD! haha...
edwin...with a pair of breasts drawn across his face. plus he got high cheekbones. when he laughed, his "breasts" enlarged...haha..
steph looks FENG SAO here not? haha. they trying to draw all the MJ tiles on her face. but we realised, it will no longer be funny....
see steph's face! haha. she helping daniel to draw CHANEL's SHADES! hahahaha....
when taking pics, daniel had to close his eyes to show his shades! WOAHAH. sibei funny. imagine when he go massage, he close his eyes to relax. the lady will think he wearing "shades", and forced him to take out his "shades"! hahaha....
our LAO DA! gangster!

SEE! told u daniel must close eyes in every pics!!! haha...MJ is the worst! sailor with smoking pipe and curly moustache. haha. Kit is the most "scary" one. she really looked like gangster leh! haha...
haha. edwin had a sexual theme. his forehead is sanitary pad, his cheeks = breasts. his nose bridge = penis, the contours of his nostrils = BALLS. WOAHAHA. see he smiling now right, got see the ENLARGED breasts?
decided to draw more sperms on her face. NOW, a BIG One..attacking an EGG. 
see la..i lost. my cute little hush puppy face kena draw....
thanks to edwin. now so ugly liao la...
u spot the guy with the "shades"?? easy peasy right? WOAHAHAHHAA....
HAHA!!! what a great great chillout session. we kept laughing so loudly. making so much noise from abt 1am all the way to 530am!!!! OMFG. luckily no one complained abt us..we had really so much fun!!!! the boys had a tough time removing the make-ups. esp. kit - gangster and daniel's "shades"!!! 
next day, we woke up early and tried the hotel's breakfast. not nice at all. but no choice...

at MBK...bought so many goodies!!!
the yummy wanton mee again! with pig trotters. must try!
after the meal, we sent kit and steph home! back to sunny spore before us!
we treated MEG to dinner. he's been nice and kind. really.
a much better dinner! cheap and good!

finally tried the salted baked fish. shiok! sweet.
our midnight snacks! just a short walk from our hotel...super accessible. everything is round the corner...platinum mall, pratunam, $ changer, 7/11, massage parlours, BK, roadside stalls...good locatioN!

trying to show off my manicure!GOING HOME DAY!
terrible food. with LOADS of baby cockroaches at the bench!...omg..
as i said earlier...edwin and me, LS-ed. MJ vomitted...
going home! but i wanna stay longer...sigh...
MJ went with one luggage. came back with 3!!!! 29 kg for hers...and 19kg for mine. =)

the boys taking airasia...we taking SQ.

the guy beside me is a korean. i was watching on-demand tv "ah long pte ltd". then he liked very interested..his head tilted, sat upright, and keep looking into my screen. (can feel that someone is watching from beside...). got language barrier. so i thot he dunno how to use the remote. so i helped him to press without seeing his screen. who knows, he was watching some korean drama half way, then i just PRESS AWAY!!! super paiseh can. then he told me he wanna watch the same as me. so i helped him. then after that, when clearing trays, i wanted to pass MJ's tray to the stewardess, but he took over from me, and hold on to it cuz the cart was FULL! then both of us kinda paiseh. then when landed. i was just looking at our overhead luggage, he looked at me, and said..."YOURS?" i smiled, then he hurry helped us to take down. kind hor.

we saw very nice sunset. =)THANKS FOR THIS GREAT AND MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE girls and boys.
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