Yet another sunday together.

this is me. all dressed up and mei mei. ready to go for photoshoot...

i look so ugly here.

chio bo?

my baby.

unfortunately, it kept raining. stopped. then rained again. in the end, photoshoot postponed to next week. hopefully the weather will be better. because the theme of the shoot is silhouette. no sun, how to have shadow? so we went town to watch WALL.E. kinda dumb. but nice for kids i guess. the whole show kept "WALL.E?", "EEEEVA". haha. if you watch it, you will know what i mean.

i met baby on sat night, to go over his place. then, i threw my temper. cuz i was busy with SM proj discussion half way online, had so many things to do in mind, then suddenly, i just flared up and became moody. he too, became unhappy for my sudden moodswing. now come to think of it, i always get moody when i have too many things to handle. sorry baby. thank you for standing by me. all i want is my baby to be safe and sound.

i've read and heard so much abt losing a partner. it hurts and the pain will never be healed. i really hope that angels up there will bless them and help them through this rough patch that no one can ever fully understand what they are going through.

in my past..

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