Tampopo - Love carol

snapping away. look at my TUM JIA face!

wah. fat fat yummy salmon sashimi!

ready to eat!

my look-a-like elder sister. =)

me and cindy jiejie.

back from maternity leave!!

our beautiful carol with her new hair style! nice!

banana with her new hair colour too!

MJ jie jie. haha. with her miso DELUXE ramen. sorry darling. i shld have ordered the MINI one for u....

my yummy katsu curry rice.

cindy jie jie with her "boring" katsu don.

wah. my first xmas present leH! so early!

banana gave me a cute little bikini! this pic abit tak glam.

a proper pic. =P thanks banana.

next stop: HELIPAD

sorry for ur blur face. blame my camera.

altogether. say cheese! nice ambience. super love the place. thanks mj for the intro! =)
sorry girls for being a bad organiser. din tell u all that we are going for drinks after that. next time i will be more detailed with my sms! =) i had fun. love.

in my past..

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