Another "MUGGING" day in Sch..

early morning, xh came with 'eye candy'. said wanna take one more picture cuz the pic that we took that day had too many GAPS.
but i was in a MESS!! mugging half way, then suddenly asked me take picture.
see! my TWO BIG FISHBALLS plus a MEGA BIG GAP between us!

then before i went lunch, they 'popped' by again! =) so we took another one, with SMALLER gap.

wanted to take another one, but librarian came over, and requested we moved outside to take pictures. damn. too ma fan alr. so we din take.

i was happy for the day...cuz i thought it was EXCLUSIVE PRIVILEGE!


my 'eye candy' taking with another girl!!! haha!!! XH la! give everyone such privilege!!!
but their GAP is BIGGER. kekekeke......
oppps. so mean of me. haha...

pardon my nonsense. been in school the whole day. managed to finish 2 chapters of MC.
super stressed. not enough time!!
i miss mj, jac, daniel and the rest of the part-timers. i miss mugging with u all!!!!!! =(

in my past..

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