now now. it's been 3 days since the op.
when will i recover?

i already have so many cravings.
thomson's crispy prata + crispy chicken; lavender wanton mee; fried chicken; bah kut teh; omg..and the list goes on!!! =(

jaws are still feeling very tight.
the bruises are spreading from my jaw to my neck.
i have been applying "zam-bak" on my face and jaws every night for the bruises.

my chin and lip are still numb.
i can move my tongue around and feel the stitches already. (that's disgusting!)
i still cant laugh or smile. when i hear funny things, i can only "UM CHIO". cant lol.

my phobia every day is to brush my teeth.
cant open my mouth big. using a baby toothbrush is also a hassle.
when i stretch my mouth slightly bigger, i feel faint.

i have lost nearly 2kg. (happy!)

my mashy softy diet so far:
-> plain porridge with kfc mashed potato
-> fish congee (my dad wakes up at 5am to cook it for me, before he heads out to work.)
-> biscuits soaked in milo (my fave!)
-> biscuits soaked in freshmilk (ok only)
-> fish soup mee sua
-> jelly
-> soya bean curd
-> yoghurt

and i realised, bread cannot be dissolved in liquid!! why ah? so hard still. cant swallow!

any more suggestions on what to eat? im quite sick of all the above. plus eating fish all the time makes my mouth stinks!! fishy smell!! i had to gurgle every time after meal. and i can feel stinging pain!

in my past..

Feels so horrible. just being wheeled out. the gau...
WISDOM TOOTH HORROR. reached at 7am. mount E. day ...
Ah gong's bday celebration. ah ma and ah gong.we ...
Mind's Cafe.... lynn, the loser for FIRST HAND. ha...
i just drank my last sip of water, before the cloc...
Breekos. with who? jasmine dearest. =) i love you ...
A date with Shav. boss thinking what to order. at ...
Credits to:
Rojak Post. friday night was at geok's place. MJ t...
All about Celeste. my niece. she super cute. =) k...