reached at 7am. mount E. day surgery ward. given this bed no.

the procedure started at 9am, ended at abt 10plus. i was semi conscious on the cold surgery table, when suddenly i felt someone forced feed a thin tube into my throat. i heard them saying i had a lot of phelgm in my throat. i couldnt open my eyes, i felt no strength at all. but i could hear the suction sound. they shouted for me to "cough!! cough!!" and i did. more suction sound was heard. and the next min i know, i woke up on the bed. i was alone, my throat was dry and painful. my dad had to rush back to work. my mum couldnt take leave. i was super independent that day. lucky thing, the nurses were quite attentive, esp the younger ones. and dr. chew came to visit me and said i was doing well. =)

i drank abit of milo and it tasted like blood. then i felt sth dripping down my neck. it was the milo. my chin and lip is numb (until today), so i couldnt feel anything!

this is the ugly me today.

swollen hamster!!! (i added mucus onto the pic! haha.)

so many teeth!!! so huge! all crushed!! (only plucked 4 teeth, it seemed so many here.)

this GIANT MONSTER tooth was found on my lower set. SEE HOW BIG!!! i drew the length for u all to guage! dr. chew said if i din go under GA, he will have problem digging it out! i would have been traumatised.

from another angle. only this tooth was not crushed.

now, im just feeling numb and my jaws are really tight. plus, my jawline started to show bruises, which is normal. i feel it's really impt to get a professional and very experienced doc for wisdom tooth surgery. both my sis and i din feel great pain and the stitches was done well. i stopped biting on the gauze after 2hrs. there's surely going to be blood taste, but no excessive blood after 1hr plus.
anyway, i have been eating biscuits soaked in milo, plain porridge, soya bean curd and jelly. and dr. said i had to still continue to brush my teeth!! eeyer! so scared to kena the stitches!! and when i used my tongue to move around my mouth, i could feel the STRING!! *hair stands*
thank you for those who sent me messages now and then, to tell me i've been a brave girl and it's gonna be all over soon! =) i feel so loved!!

in my past..

Ah gong's bday celebration. ah ma and ah gong.we ...
Mind's Cafe.... lynn, the loser for FIRST HAND. ha...
i just drank my last sip of water, before the cloc...
Breekos. with who? jasmine dearest. =) i love you ...
A date with Shav. boss thinking what to order. at ...
Credits to: http://luvlia.livejournal.com/11044.ht...
Rojak Post. friday night was at geok's place. MJ t...
All about Celeste. my niece. she super cute. =) k...
Dinner. Shop. Drinks. Chill.@ emerald hill. me and...
Sisters Day Out....new camera means cam-whoring!!!...