baby going for one week reservist tmr.
but we had a good weekend tgt. =)
he cut his hair really really short.
too bad, no pics.
will upload pretty ones if we going dating on sunday.

mon - meet uni girls for lunch.
tues - i have a very impt interview.
wed - tentative dinner with tp's neh neh gang.
thurs - tentative dinner with SH girls.
fri - cut hair at noon. Sing Dollar play in the evening.
sat - exciting comm law class.

WOW. busy week. oh man. everyday going out means i need money money money.

btw, i cannot resist the clothes from Agneselle and Bonitochico. me and MJ will always update each other abt the new launch. and we will always urge each other to be the FASTEST FINGER FIRST! addictive shit.

in my past..

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