
I realised:
-> there's no such thing as "fairytale" or "happily ever after".
-> it's true that you don't always end up with the person you loved the most.
-> time does/ eventually will heal all wounds.
-> when one is angry, he/she will say the most hurting words in the harshest tone. & somtimes, what they said is the truth.

i have alot more to say. but i guess, now is not the right time. and this is not the right platform for me to pen down my thoughts.

i know i will be ok. it's just a matter of time.

there's no right or wrong in a r/s. destiny, fate, luck, personality, etc, plays a part.

i tried to be THE best. but i failed. i realised, i am just not good enough. im sorry.

in my past..

my lower set of teeth is is my heart. =(
Aroma. Whitening. I have been rotting at home for ...
he bought me a notebook from melb. like those rome...
What a SURPRISE!!!... i received a phone call from...
My friday.... went for my appt. to remove the sti...
Bruised. blue-black has faded to become yellow bru...
URRGH! i still cant post pictures!!!
*i watch this one time cry one time*cantonese song...
Hamster Diary. i forced to close my mouth. bathin...