Got MONSTER pinch me!

woke up slightly late today, rushed to work. felt a tugging pain on my calf, but din bother to turn around and check. assumed it was calf strain cuz i was running in heels.

reached work, went to the toilet, got a shock out of my life when i looked into the full length mirror while adjusting my skirt. BLUE BLACK!!! GHOST PINCH!


i din hit or knock into anything. how come like that? sway day today. my hair clip broke while i was peeing in the toilet. my colleague said cuz my head expanded while peeing. WTH!

then went shopping after lunch. saw 2 pretty black heels from Substance. NO SIZE! requested to check the wheelock outlet, also NO SIZE. thanks ah.

what a day...

btw, happy birthday daddy!

in my past..

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