gotta reply all msges on my tag....

*xueting: hey girL...thanx for ya little thotful msges and smses...huggiez...
*steph: hey...thanx for ya msges as well...smiLez...
*gerie&hannah: heLLO!!!! hope both of u are doing fine! take care alright? see ya ard in sch! huggiez...

wine tasting course yesterday was fun...very enriching...=) money well spent...but the whole situation was damn awkward...oh well...dun wanna say anymoRE...but wanna thank janet for asking her frenz to sit with me thru out the whole thing...felt so paiseh the whole time...sigh...den saw my handsome boy and his gf...awwwww....he is truely charming when he laughs....well well...haha...can see cannot TOUCH!!!! haha....*wadeva*

bought my bday present from my family!!! a DKNY watch!!!!!! i love it manz!!! so damn WOW! very nice!!!!! i loOove!! but will only wear it when i noe i wont be doing some CHORES...if not later scratches and shitty rite? giggLez...den went town to walk ard with mama yesterday...saw this ROXY boardshorts...base is WHITE! i can i buy white bottom? i so clumsy...later dirty or wad den's $85 lidat loh...tsk how how? better not la..sigh...but it's nice...

went to watch "something's gotta give" with darling at nite...damn funNNy shOW! worth $6.50 for nuts!! haha...but kinda long though...2 hrs lidat...worth watching la...=) oh! den we had dinner at HAns...usual dinning wonderfuL!

shld i go clubbing tonite with jasmine?? tsk tsk...i dunno leh...most prob going sentosa with darling...cuz we planned even before the i wont be going with the class...sorry girLS!

in my past..

hmmm...i do agree with wad steff had said on the t...
sometimes, i really wonder how couples survive for...
i cant tag on my tagboard...shitty..i shall reply ...
urrgggh~!!! weather so damn hot if dese...
oh mY! i juz woke up...gotta start studying soon.....
stupid darling is flirting with a junior of his no...
think im going to fail MBS!!! oh well... im the b...
fucking shit! the construction thingy above my uni... feeling happy happy! darling's been ...
You are Karen! You are an excellent mum and astron...