oh mY! i juz woke up...gotta start studying soon...but i will end up watching tv..shit...

talked to darling till 2am last nite...i think it's been a long long while since the both of us talked till so late...i've alwayz been the piggy one who needs to go to bed early...but yesterday's conversation was really sweeet...a talk abt the past...so funny...gigglez...=)

yay!!! am going to queensway later!!! to see shoes!! den if any shoe catches my eye...ta-dA!! im gonna get it!! aiya...but let my "SHOE-expert" boyfren help me see which one suits me...i bet while seeing shoes for me, he'll start targeting new pair of shoes...faintz...

gonna meet alvin later! been quite a while since i last saw him...lalala...gonna meet for dinnER! eat where? tsk tsk...dun wanna think....hahaha

might be going out with jasmine after my paper tmr...but dunno leh...gonna call her tonite to confirm...lalala...we shall see how...

my god!!!! i dun wanna study...tsk tsk tsk....DUN WAN!!! haha....

//sweeetie...though we might be argue-ing quite a bit lately...but juz wanna let u noe that i love u tons!! huggiez...//

in my past..

stupid darling is flirting with a junior of his no...
think im going to fail MBS!!! oh well... im the b...
fucking shit! the construction thingy above my uni...
lalalala...am feeling happy happy! darling's been ...
You are Karen! You are an excellent mum and astron...
HAppy 18tH biRtHdaY to myseLf!!! haPPy 18th birtHd...
well well..one more day to my bday...one more day ...
gosh......im so so so tired!!! brain-dead. totally...
i failed the bloooooooody IFBsysOps quiz!!!!!!!!!!...
oh my god!!! i haven been blogging for 8 days!!! w...