sometimes, i really wonder how couples survive for YEARS...i really meant DONKEY YEARS...juz read an article from SUnday Times, this couple are tgt for 7 years or so...and both of them are 26 now...oh my...i wonder i not talking abt married couples's about dating couples...

dun they quarrel? dun they quarrel till they wanna gif up? how can they ever tolerate each other's worst habits? dun they argue over the slightest thing? do they cheat their partners? do they even lie? are they alwayz so loving all these whiLe? does one party ALWAYZ gif in? and the other party ALWAYZ take? when do u noe it's the maximum to stop giving in? feeling? or wad? is it even possible to forget all about what ya partner did before to hurt u? is it okay to suspect ya partner that he may not love u as much? or is this being paranoid? do couples question their love for each other? have they ever thot that their partner is the MOST INSENSITIVE, the MOST SELFISH CREATURE on earth?....and therez many more questions in my mind...

im sure being tgt for abt a yr is not easy....AND HOW THE HELL they manage to date each other for 7 yrS? maybe therez certain personal issues the couple do not wish to "expose" to even their frenz...hence, the pple around them will find their relationship AMAZINGLy stable...alwayz UPs and NO dowNs...pple say that therez so many ways to keep a relationship going...but the process of it is TOUGH...really TOUGH...

the first two weeks of the relationship will alwayz be the SWEETESt of all matter how sweeet the subsequent moments the both of us spent tgt, the first two weeks will alwayz live in my mind as the matter what happens in the future, it'll be really nice to think back of the sweetest moments that had happened in the'll definitely bring us a smile...or maybe, juz a grin...but it'll still be so lovely...

i remember someone saying..."if u love him, u dun have to OWN him.."...come to think of does make sense to me NOW..i may not be able to accept how my partner deals with things, or maybe, his attitude and i decided to not to be with him anymore...BUT! i may still love him's just that we are not "MEant tO bE"...seeE? life is lidat...

hmmm....i wonder where will FATE & CUPID bring me&U to...well well...will it be a long and sweeet journey? or will it be a long and miserable journey? will it be a short and sweet journey? or will it be a short and miserable journey?

i really have no juz taking one step at a time...

//sweeet memories will alwayz stay with matter what happens..//

in my past..

i cant tag on my tagboard...shitty..i shall reply ...
urrgggh~!!! weather so damn hot if dese...
oh mY! i juz woke up...gotta start studying soon.....
stupid darling is flirting with a junior of his no...
think im going to fail MBS!!! oh well... im the b...
fucking shit! the construction thingy above my uni... feeling happy happy! darling's been ...
You are Karen! You are an excellent mum and astron...
HAppy 18tH biRtHdaY to myseLf!!! haPPy 18th birtHd...
well more day to my more day ...