Wednesday, February 25, 2004 at 11:09 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
OucCChh....the mosquitoe bites are itching again! damn itchy...urrgh! dunno y lidat oso...shitty...
gonna meet darling tmr..he's going to accompany me to register for my Basic class 3 theory...lalala...un-safe for me to go alone ma...i so blur..haha....
bought this tube from TOSS!!! i've alwayz like that tube...juz that i thot $29 for one is too now got 20% discount!! haha...i bought it at $23..haha...not much diff but at least cheaper...heee...i sound so AUNTY rite? buay tahan!!! haha...muz learn to saVE uP! so i shall not spend too much...
bought geOK's bday present...shant say wad i bought for her yet cuz later she read my blog den accidentally see what she shldnt have seeN! i shall pass it to her during our class gathering on sat! she better come...if not im sure to CHOP HER UP! giggLez...lalala
had fun with darling today...though it started out kinda shitty...heee...dunno y also..and i hiccup the ENTIRE AFTERNOOON! i nearly died!!!! im serious!!! gosh! couldnt breathe...and maybe i tink hiccup too my rib-cage hurting lk mad...urrgh!! everywhere paiN!!! anyway, went to sunny BookshoP...den thot can exchange one book for one booK..who noes must exchange book of the same price! den shit loh...had to borrow two booKS! to finish...normally those "alright" book, i take abt one mth to read leh...juz hope all the books nice nice, den i will read fast fast..but provided i got no sch work to do la...but dream ON MANZ! i got video fliming when sch well as reflection and field trip 2's all SHIT SHIT SHIT!!!!
in my past..
urGGH! last nite at 3am..i was woken up by a BIG F...went to sentosa today with darling..finally able t...
gotta reply all msges on my tag.... *xueting: hey...
hmmm...i do agree with wad steff had said on the t...
sometimes, i really wonder how couples survive for...
i cant tag on my tagboard...shitty..i shall reply ...
urrgggh~!!! weather so damn hot if dese...
oh mY! i juz woke up...gotta start studying soon.....
stupid darling is flirting with a junior of his no...
think im going to fail MBS!!! oh well... im the b...