goSh..did my CDS video filming...damn funny canz? faintz...i stammered alot!!! and i din have much eye-contact with the other parties...DAMN! how shitty...culdnt really re-record already cuz we were kind of running out of time...i really thot the rest of my groupmates did pretty well! =P i was the worst!!! was already taping everything well....den my hp rang! shit...it vibrated damn loudly loh...urrgh..it's over already...so neh mind...juz hope that over 30..i will get 20?? haha...is that too much to ask? giggLez...

got back those papers that "went" for grading during our term break...i was graded 3As & 1C....not bad la...=P please with the results...but i tink i will die during the summative test...haha...i WILL DIE!

loads of stuffs starting to pile up...SICK! urrgh....and my nose is blocked everydaY! gosh...i tink im lk darling...shit...i dun wanna insert some tube to scan the INTERNALS of my nose!!! i DUN WAN!

im going to get on with my work...hate it...headache...oh yah! even though tmr i dun need to go sch...but still have to go to do our scenario 2 stuffs...shit...and i forgot to print the cocktail notes...and my printer ran out of ink...shUCkz...maybe i shall print in sch....

in my past..

my little lump on my hand is getting worst...hurts...
OucCChh....the mosquitoe bites are itching again! ...
urGGH! last nite at 3am..i was woken up by a BIG F...
went to sentosa today with darling..finally able t...
gotta reply all msges on my tag.... *xueting: hey...
hmmm...i do agree with wad steff had said on the t...
sometimes, i really wonder how couples survive for...
i cant tag on my tagboard...shitty..i shall reply ...
urrgggh~!!! weather so damn hot today...as if dese...
oh mY! i juz woke up...gotta start studying soon.....