i still dont have a phone. urrgh. the feeling is so irritating. alvin just told me he called me the whole of yesterday, but it din get thru. and i have a feeling, im gonna receive quite a few sms once my phone is ready for collection. gosh.

after nokia-care at Wheelock place, i went for manicure at STRIP. felt like pampering myself. it was an impromptu decision okay. so i just walked in and asked if i could get a manicure done immediately. so it was me, relaxing, enjoying the massage and all. PURE BLISS. im gonna get a pedicure on my off day and a full body massage and foot massage. lalalalalala. i also feel like going for an intensive hair treatment. but, i haven make any appointment at all cuz im afraid on my off day, i will be too lazy to step out of the house. sigh. after manicure, i went shoppping!!! bought a yellow polo tee from Forever21. no bad. den met mum for lunch and took a cab to work. luckily, i wasnt late.

haven seen darling for days. sigh. i miss him.

in my past..

my stupid phone is spoilt!!! urrgh. was talking on...
pardon my entry. whatever im gonna post, is linked...
i've been wanting to change my blogskin. but i jus...
right. now i've got a license, i dun dare to drive...
i am licensed to drive a car, officially. -smilez-
okay. work has been great cuz im attached to the F...
-Vote for M3, Hong Jun Yang- "Jue dui Superstar, J...
i've been on the club lounge since the last time i...
Day 5 -Club Lounge Training [Reservation dpt aint ...