Saturday, June 18, 2005 at 11:15 AM ♥ Sarahdee ♥

-Vote for M3, Hong Jun Yang-

"Jue dui Superstar, Jun Yang yong cheng ba!"
His voice is really good. vote for him now and you will definitely get to see his amazing performance during the FINALS at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. But if you dun vote, audience will miss the chance of seeing this rising superstar perform. So, PLEASE VOTE on Wednesday, 22nd June, 8.30pm, channel U. Each and every one person who reads my blog, pls at least vote once, it'll be very much appreciated. $0.60/sms. Thank you so much. =)
to those who din know, he is one of my crescent dearie's (weiying) brother. so please.
i went for the filming of this after work. was damn tired. but for wing, aint tired anymore cuz i get to see my cresentians! win some, lose some. Allocation of seats to the family and friends of each contestant dragged on for more than an hour before the actual filming started. i had fun screaming and all. CRESCENT POWER. we rock the house down!!!! =) it was my first experience at mediacorp. haha. sua ku right. oh well. i was holding a very big "J" cardboard. haha. we were the most professional cheering team! haha. wing's brother sang well. just add a lit' more groove in his performance, he will look better on stage.
work has been busy and hectic. the bloody bitch is driving me nuts. OLD FUCKING BITCH! i worked overtime for her just becuz she took MC. and when she saw me the next day, she fucking walked past me. bitch. never even thank me for covering her shift. disgusting old witch.
today is finally my off day. yay. shopping in town and pluck brows. =P
in my past..
i've been on the club lounge since the last time i...Day 5 -Club Lounge Training [Reservation dpt aint ...
Day 4 -Bell Desk, Guest Recognition and Club Loung...
man. i'm foot-less and toe-less. my leg muscles ar...
caught "Monster In-Laws" with mummy yesterday. it ...
well well. i'm still coughing my lungs out. sigh.h...
reached home at abt 2.30am. man..i was wide awake....
i'm a sick girl. went to see my handsome doc last ...
im having a horrible sore throat. plus kbox yester...
terrible headache. sigh.yesterday was a very bad d...