i want ABSOLUT VODKA PEACH. NOW. it's damn good. VODKA KURANT is also good. have yet to try VODKA VANILLA. i wanna go partying soon!

i have yet to practise calculus. and my bloody CPM proj screwed big time. aloy lee rejected our survey agaiN!!! so angry.

i hope it's gonna be a merry merry christmas this yr! =)

in my past..

finally went down to zouk yesterday with baby, sam...
shld i go zouk tonight? im still deciding. at this...
let's see...15 years ago, I:1) was only 4yrs old.2...
yay! Edu trip reflection DONE! =) thanks to jazzy ...
it's so weird. i thought i updated my blog a few d...
i cannot seem to wake up for morning classes! it's...
portfolio was handed up on fri. there's plenty of ...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUMMY!!!!! My daddy is the sweetes...
-chants- i miss my baby. i want my baby. sigh. he'...
im addicted to Nora Roberts' novel. like wad leigh...