My daddy is the sweetest guy on earth. haha. he bought mummy a small Gucci bag! $1300!!! omg. he's not that kind of hubby who will splurged on his wife but more on his kids. this time around, daddy spent SO MUCH on mummy's present! haha. she was closed to tears. gigglez. my baby bought me a bag too. the Pinky Nike bag that i wanted so badly. my advanced xmas present! absolutely love the bag! silly boy sent me a MMS of the bag in the afternoon. when i met him later at night, he gave me the bag. haha. surprise!

i need to be good and do my SIP portfolio before meeting baby. and it's raining heavily. sigh. i have to finish it by thurs!

in my past..

-chants- i miss my baby. i want my baby. sigh. he'...
im addicted to Nora Roberts' novel. like wad leigh...
it's time for me to post my xmas wishlist!!! in ra...
im relieved to be back in Singapore. The experienc...
my flight has been delayed till 4.30am. very nice....
only recently, im fucking lousy at parking my own ...
i realised that whenever projs are piling up, i wi...
im a happy girl today because baby came down after...
i couldnt slp the whole night. was thinking about ...
okay. i just realised that there's 2 proposals to ...