The baby is back to work today.
after resting for so long.
he's been a quite used to not working.
haha. but im sure, he's gonna be back to his workaholic self in no time.

till today, have not catch the show "The Last Kiss".
wonder if it's good.
but heard a few positive comments abt it.

it was quality time spent with the baby for the past 2 weeks.
nice. sweet. i love.

baby bought me xmas present!!!!
then he tried to hide it the other day.
kaypo me, i walked in and saw him holding the present.
haha..acted blur, and walked out again.
gigglez. until now, i dunno wad is it.

im fucking bored and tired.
working OT since sat.
working 7 days str8 till my next off day on sat.
i hope baby dun get off on weekdays. =(
be off on weekend pls. ;)

in my past..

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since baby got back from jakarta.i thot his chest ...
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Domestic Home..right. yesterday, after ...
i am doing OT right missing the baby.we din...
back to work today.was fun. the company was good!h...
Mac delivery. 2 big breakfast meals, with orange j...
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din talk to baby at all last night.he worked from ...