yes. i have been good. i have been busy studying for exams.

HMT notes done.
Now in the mist of preparing ER notes.
then it will be study for P&M.
then study for ER.
then Finance.
then HMT. and tada!

EXAMS will be over in no time, i hope.

but i caught the FEVER bug on sat night. body ached, sore throat, fever. nearly died. no doctor on sundays. so i had to wait till today. fever subsided. but throat is super sore. going to see a doc now. and i wasted sunday, resting on the bed, with panadols and iced cold towel. thanks to baby for looking after me. i whined, i cried, refused to get out of bed, refused to eat. cuz i feel so guilty for not studying and wasting my time away. but i din had the strength to move at all. after eating a scoop of ice-cream, i felt better. hee. paddlepop!

and baby bought me a pink mario mushroom! =P

and i feel bad that i cant meet my jasmine dearest today. sigh. i miss her and haven seen for a mths. i hope i can see her soon. love.

in my past..

Family Outing on a sunny sunday! at my aunt's plac...
ZOUK again. On Sat night. Last min. dinner at 1130...
One late saturday afternoon: baby and i went junct...
ZOUK at the last min. these girls were a lit' out ...
What a day. mirror image? haha. me and my mama dre...
Random Entry: the only pic we took yest, on baby's...
Happy Happy Birthday Baby! =)i love you. be happy ...
baby's birthday party!! our birthday boy, with hi...
the weather is SO FUCKING HOT HOT HOT!!!
time to KIO SAI! last night, shalyn kio sai for th...