Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 11:16 PM ♥ Sarahdee ♥
BACk To Work!!!
cheng said got no EYELINER today, so cannot take pic of her eyes.
but still, in the end, she gave in. i said her eyes like "one line". =P
i act chinese opera can!
she looks so tiny here.
i wanna be tiny too. cuz i feel like a giant!
what's up with cece's sweater colour and the car behind her? haha. sama-sama.
lunch today is CAI PENG. yikes.
hungry girls.
i forgot why she showed one upset face. let me recall...
anyway, the above is a baby boy. MATE by me and cheng. hee. his name is BENCORY. his hair is super BUANG. but very KALIPOK-style. like ben's & cory's. (sound like BEN&JERRYS)
walking to and fro. in town. finding presents. the cheng was super moody. cuz we couldnt find anything suitable at all.
a pic with the "underconstruction" xmas tree.
sweee. my turn. i told her i wanna be tiny tiny.
our EXPENSIVE dinner at lucky plaza. we were both very poor. so we wanted sth cheap and budget. so decided to just have chicken rice and veggie. who knows, $5.50 each. no drinks somemore. we realised it's super ex to eat chix rice at this price. haha.
slurping the yummy soup.
see the shopping bags!!! we bought many "presents". happy!
see the 2 red espirit plastic bags? neh neh. cheng at first CONDEMNED espirit. say sure not nice stuffs one la. in the end, we bought 2 nice stuffs from there!!! and we wanna get one for ourselves too! but not this mth, too broke.
going home now!! yay! tired legs, tired body, tired minds.
yes. ugly. i know. i dun care. ugly ugly loh. =P
do i look like a tourist?? haha.
she looks more like a tourist than me!! see her bag and paper bag.
see her little black purse? like tourist put passport inside!! hee.
this "sha da jie" is looking for her bus number. haha. touristy!
haha!!! she look so ke ai.
my turn. i dun look touristy la...
stupid bus. so long. xian.
haha. trying to cover her EYE BAGS. she is trying to do Eugene's stun! the show the "whites, not the black of the eyes".
i tried to do it. cheng kept telling me to go UP UP UP until i cannot see anything. but i cant!!!!! i scared the black cannot come down!!! yikes. Nice seeing everyone at work. except the stupid MAI PIAN. still refused to take over manager calls from me. kept pushing the blame, until i damn dulan. i said "customer wants to talk to manager, but i am not." den he mummbled, " i will still tell him the same thing what, tell him i call him back later." SAI LA!
xin xin now has a "GLOW" shinning from within. maybe is the motherhood. she dresses like she haven had a baby. like before she got married. her figure is now back to like before. so fast right! im so happy to see her back at work!
cheng jie jie deserved to be love and pampered. her mama is the sweetest. my mama too. and every else's mama is the greatest lady on earth. provide us with UNCONDITIONAL love. no matter what.
in my past..
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